

The Forms Matrix is a unique feature that contains all forms submitted by all user types. This provides an all-in-one location to store important documents and information.

The CrewCard software features automatic scheduling, through which job offers are automatically sent to the qualified crew, based on Rank, On Call availability and proximity.

The Two Factor Authentication feature adds a new layer of security to your data. Currently, this is optional and you can turn it ON from the security settings in your crew portal.

Clients may add their supervisors as another sub level to their own access.

Clients or account managers are able to access the CrewCard app to view their own jobs in the system.

In CrewCard your customers can pay invoices using their credit card or bank account via the secure payment gateway Stripe.

The Proximity feature makes it easier to get crew to accept shifts in out of the way places or for ASAP bookings by offering work to the closest staff first.

CrewCard seamlessly integrates with VEVO - the Australian Government's Visa Entitlement Verification Online system.

CrewCard enables recruiters to legally onboard staff quickly by inviting them to accept your company agreements by email.

Message Templates enable the Admin User / Duty Manager to save commonly used SMS messages in the system to send to Crew Member

Bulk SMS Recruits allows the Admin User / Duty Manager (Recruiter) to SMS multiple recruits at once, as the name suggests. This is useful to check if potential recruits may have the skills required or the availability to perform certain roles you may require filled.

The new Cancel / Remove feature allows a Crew Member to be cancelled from a shift without deleting that shift.

CrewCard enables Admin users to create groups of Crew Members which can be assigned to groups of Clients.

The Registration / Induction form has settings options to display with your company or site information by default or to require the staff to add the site location for mobile jobs.

CrewCard enables Admin Superusers to have 2 Step Factor Authentication (2FA) when logging into the Admin Portal.

CrewCard enables you to communicate with your staff and create chat groups like social media platforms to engage with certain groups of your Crew Members, such as those working on specific jobs or in specific roles.

Time Off In Lieu can be managed within the CrewCard Platform.

Managing site inductions for staff has never been easier than with CrewCard.