
Legal Compliance

Legal compliance requirements can be difficult to maintain, especially when using multiple software systems. CrewCard is your one stop rostering and compliance solution, keeping track of when staff are booked on shifts and whether they will exceed the limits you have programmed into the system.

Once qualifications are correctly mapped to activities, it is impossible to confirm non-qualified staff members on shifts, ensuring no mistakes are made. CrewCard also allows you to set limits for staff to work maximum hours per week, fortnight or month for return-to-work plans, student visas and to prevent excessive overtime payments.

Integrated VEVO checks are also simple to perform and will block staff upon expiry.

File Reminder

Set up automatic reminders so staff upload important documents in time.

Staff File Upload

CrewCard removes double handling by allowing crew to upload their own documentation and dates to their profile.

Crew Profile

Each crew member has their own profile which can be edited at any time by admin. Here you will see their scores based on their performance, view contact details, activate their app and more.

Compliance Settings

Stay on top of compliance requirements with qualifications, work hour limitations, visas and other documentation all visible on the one page. The system will automatically block crew members who are no longer compliant.

Blocked Crew On Scheduler

CrewCard allows you to block crew from certain clients. When booking a job, the crew who are blocked from working will appear in red and will be unable to select.

Blocked Crew Profile with warnings

Any crew member that has not completed their profile will be automatically blocked. A warning will appear on their profile explaining why they have been blocked.