Staffing agencies tend to use the Client user type for their clients and companies that use the platform for managing their own staff use the Client user type for their own managers, such as account managers or project managers or however they refer to them. It is possible to relabel the Client user type throughout the platform to any title that fits.
Clients or account managers are able to access the CrewCard app to view their own jobs in the system. The beauty of this feature is that they are only able to view the jobs assigned to them. With this access, they can manage their crews, communicate with them, rate them, update and approve their timesheets and a great deal more.
Go to Clients in the header under Contacts > Clients, scroll down to App Access and then click Invite to email app credential details to the Client contact.
Now your clients or managers are able to log into the CrewCard app with visibility over their own jobs which is a tremendous advantage for them and you.