Uploading documents has never been easier. The CrewCard app provides a simple process for Crew Members to provide documents for qualifications.
As shown, Crew Members can view their qualifications as well as those they are required to upload. All it takes to upload a document is to enter the expiry date (note that if there is no expiry date on a document, enter a date further into the future eg 31 December 2100), click on ‘Upload’ and select from either ‘Documents’ or ‘Images’. The document or image will upload as the qualification and can be viewed on the app and is able to be emailed.
CrewCard provides a simple method for uploading qualification documents for Crew Members, and allows them to access these documents with ease. This would be particularly useful for Crew Members to show managers, security or venue staff their COVID-19 vaccination certificates as this requirement is increasing in demand. Typical qualifications such as forklift licences, medium rigid drivers licences, rigging tickets, RSAs, working with children and police checks may be stored in the qualifications section of the CrewCard app for staff.
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