
CrewCard Portal – Crew User Guide

1.0 Welcome to CrewCard

This manual is created to provide guidance and reference to the users of CrewCard, it gives users a depth of understanding its functions and capabilities.

CNB – Central Navigation Bar

Central Navigation Bar is on the top of the page. Hover your mouse over the icons to show dropdown menu lists. 


2.0 Home Page

When accessing the sign up page in the CrewCard software, you will be presented with a Customer Sign Up and Job Seeker Sign Up option. Next to each link, a QR code is provided. 

Click the icon next to Job Seeker Sign Up. A larger QR code will appear.

When scanned by a mobile device, the potential user is taken to an internet page, as displayed below. 

The welcome page requests First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, Email Address, Industry Experience, Why you wish to join the company, Why you left your previous job, and other questions specified by your employer. You are also able to upload files, and fill out employment history, skills, availability, and a resume. 

Once completed, you are signed up to CrewCard, and are able to use your details to log in and access the software. 

Once you have attained your log in details, if you would like to activate two-factor authentication, please contact

If activated, upon logging in to the CrewCard software, users will be presented with a pop up window requesting an authentication code. The authentication code that is being requested is sent to the email address and the mobile number, that is registered to the account that is being logged into.

A unique 6-digit code will be sent, and must be entered into the textbox in order to gain access to the account. This code changes each time a user logs in to their account. 

This mechanism of security a strong protection against unauthorised access to your accounts, reducing any chance of fraud or breach of sensitive information.

Furthermore, users can contact to enable an additional layer of security when logging in. When activated, a user has 4 chances to log in. On the 5th time entering the wrong login credentials, the system will block the user for 15 minutes before they are able to log in again. This security measure has been implemented to prevent brute force attacks or consistent guessing of passwords in order to gain access to accounts that do not belong to CrewCard users.

2.1 Calendar

Once logged in you will be taken to the home page which will display the calendar. 

The calendar will show you the jobs you are rostered on. You can view the calendar by month, week, 3 days and a day.

Click the arrow on the shift to extend the job information.

This will show you who else is on the job, the job time and the venue location. 


Click Options. This will give you access to the shifts button which will direct you to the shifts page. 

To learn more about shifts, see guide 2.5.

To view the venue details, click the house icon.


It will display information about the venue and the key locations

2.2 Day Sheet

If you cannot view the Day Sheet on the home page and you would like access, contact 

A day sheet is created for each job.

Job Details: Information about the job will show when it is expanded. 
Meeting Point: View the location you will meet at.
Staff GPS: This will show your location live on a map.

Select the hand shake icon. A pop out window will open, if you agree please click ‘I Agree’.

Sign off by using your mouse to sign the form once completed. 

At the bottom of the page there are 4 buttons. 

Check In: Enter the time when you start your shift
Breaks: Press the button when you start your break and enter the time. Press the button again and enter the time when your shift is over. 
Check Out: Enter the time when you finish the job 
Submit: Submit your time sheet once completed 

2.3 Actions

If you are required to complete forms or policies that have been updated by the admin it will display here for you to read. 

You will have to agree, accept and sign the form once understood.

2.4 Upload Files

It is required to upload files to your crew profile to keep it up to date. These documents include Qualifications, Inductions, Visa, ID and other important documents.

Make sure you press save after uploading the documents. 

2.5 Shifts

 The shifts page will show you an overview of all upcoming, confirmed shifts. 

Here, crew members are able to lock in their shifts, confirming their start time, end time, and breaks. To do so, select the unlocked lock icon on the left side of the row of the shift desired. 


A pop out window will appear, asking if the crew member has any notes to add for the shift, as well as to ensure that all breaks have been entered. The crew is asked again if they are sure they would like to lock off the shift. 


Once ‘Lock Off’ is selected, the shift is locked, and the lock icon will now appear as closed. 

When a crew member locks a shift, an email is send to the admin:  

3.0 Jobs tab

3.1 Upcoming Jobs

This will take you to the shift page, please view guide 2.5 shifts. However, this will only display upcoming jobs and no past jobs.

3.2 Available Jobs

In order to view available jobs via the CrewCard website, login to the CrewCard website and hover your mouse over the ‘Jobs’ tab on the central navigation bar. A list will present itself. Select ‘Available Jobs’. This will present the Available Jobs page.

To accept the shift, tick the checkbox on the left on the job, and select ‘Accept Shifts’. To select multiple shifts, select the checkbox next to ‘Accept Shifts’, then select ‘Accept Shifts’.

Once accepted, the shift will display the word ‘ACCEPTED’ on the far right text box. 

Once the shift has been confirmed by the admin, it will be displayed under ‘Upcoming Jobs’ and in the Calendar function, both of which are accessible via the ‘Jobs’ tab.

3.3 Past Jobs

This is similar to past jobs however, shows you jobs that have been completed. 

4.0 Options

4.1 Actions

This window provides the list of actions that are needed to be taken before a job. For more information see guide 2.3 Actions.

4.2 On Call

This allows you to be available to accept shifts when you are not rostered. click on the Off-Call Status button.

Type Suburb where you are currently located and select from the search result.

Click Submit. 


On Call Status will ignore your current unavailability and preferred area to work based on your current location. Job Offers will be sent until On Call is switched off. Off Call meaning you are not available to accept any jobs outside your preferred location.

4.3 Invited Actions

On this page you will be able to view the Actions you have completed and see the current status.

4.4 Files

This is like actions section however, you can overview all actions that are required to complete and needed to be submitted. Files, please see guide 2.4.

4.5 Resources

Actions and other files will display here. These files are uploaded by the company. You can revisit them at any time to read.

To be able to view the corresponding resource, please select one and a new window showing the resource information will appear.

Select close once understood.

4.6 Processes

Processes are uploaded by the company, they will be stored here for crew to refer back at anytime when needed.

To be able to view the corresponding process, please select one and a new window showing the process information will appear.

Select close once understood.

4.7 Contracts

Contracts are signed when singing up are stored here.

Double click the orange box to download the contract.

4.8 Timesheet

Timesheets display the shift you have worked and the times.

Only lock shifts will display here. 

A new Timesheets button has been introduced to the Crew Portal. It enables crew members to efficiently access and manage their shift details, breaks, and project or location information.

To use the Timesheets feature, log in to the Crew Portal. Locate the Timesheets button and click on it. This action will redirect you to the Timesheets page.

The Timesheets page provides an organised interface for crew members to log their working hours, breaks, and project or location details. It is structured by day, with multiple rows available for adding shifts or breaks as required.

The + button adds a new row to the timesheet. Clicking this button creates a new shift entry, where users can input start and end times, breaks, and project/location details. Please note that only three breaks are allowed.


A new Settings menu has been added to the Crew Portal dropdown, offering additional configuration options.

To access the settings, click the dropdown menu, and select Settings. The General Settings section enables customisation of labels on the Timesheets page.

The Alternative Text feature allows users to rename the Project/Location field on the Timesheets page to better align with organisational requirements. Once changes are made, clicking Save will apply the updates.

4.9 SMS

View SMS messages that are sent to you. It will log all the messages that have been delivered

4.10 Pay

This page will display your play slip. It is broken up in the location or business with details about the job times. It will break down any allowances that were given.

5.0 Unavailability

One this page you can enter your unavailability. 

Click Add Unavailability and fill out the fields. Depending on the setting set by admin, the unavailability will either be sent to the company to be reviewed, or approved and added to the system automatically. 

Approved and/or denied unavailability will no longer be editable; only pending unavailability may be edited or deleted by the crew in the Crew Portal.

6.0 Profile

6.1 Overview


The overview of your profile will contain your profile photo, details, address and emergency contact. Enter the information in the text boxes provided under the appropriate headings. Note that you are able to select your address type as either Residential, or a PO box. When completed, select ‘Save’ or ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner.


6.2 Qualification


Qualifications provides an area to select abilities and skills with their respective proof of qualification. Here you may select abilities and view the uploaded files.

For each qualification, there is a ‘Save’ button to store the uploaded document and any selected expiry dates.

6.3 Citizenship


Select your citizenship status from the drop down menu. 



6.4 Experience


Add comments relevant to your work experience that relate to the skills listed . To update your selected skills, please contact your admin. 


6.5 Medical


Where appropriate, tick the tick boxes provided . Then, list all previous physical or psychological injuries that may affect your work performance. Note, this answer is not compulsory. 

Select ‘Save’ or ‘Next’

6.6 Agreements


This page allows you to view agreements signed in the past. Any new agreements will appear here. You can also view an accept policies and information. 

6.7 Contracts


Read and accept the contracts that are uploaded to this page. You may enter and reread the contracts at anytime.


6.8 Inductions

After inductions are completed, they will be stored here. You may refer back to them at anytime.  


View the details of the induction by selecting the eye icon. 

6.9 Accounts

On this page you may update your account details. 


Banking Details

Bank Name: Bank Name of the Crew

Name of Account: Account Name of the Crew

BSB: 6 Digits number used to identify the individual branch of an Australian Bank

Account Number: Bank Account Number of the Crew


Super Fund Details

Super Company Name: Name of the Super Company financial institution EG Australian Super

SPIN/USI: Super Fund USI

Super ABN: Super Fund ABN

Super Product Name: Is the name of the Product under the specific super fund. It is identified by the USI

Super Account Name: Crew Super Account Name

Your Super Membership Number: Crew Super Membership Number

CrewCard Super default fund

Membership Number:  Crew Membership Number


Tax File Declaration

File Number (TFN): Crew Tax File Number (9 Digits number)

Fill out the rest of the fields under Tax File Declaration section.

Once the account details has been updated, click Save button.

Declare that the information given is true by ticking the tick box at the bottom of the page and affix signature below. Select Accept.

6.10 Security

The last section of the crew profile is Security. Here, you may toggle between turning Two Factor Authentication on and off. An explanation of how the Two Factor Authentication works is also provided here. It states: ‘Turn 2 factor authentication on or off to enable an extra layer of protection to the security of your account. When enabled, logging in to your account will require a 6 digit code in addition to your username and password. This unique 6 digit code will be sent to your email address and phone number once you have entered your username and password, and changes each time you log in to your account. When disabled, the login process will only consist of entering a username and password’