CrewCard enables Admin users to create groups of Crew Members which can be assigned to groups of Clients. These Crew Groups will display differently in the Graph page (by dividing the crew into groups) and the Job Sheets / Shift Edit pages by displaying available crew for job offers in colour codes.
Some admin users utilise Crew Groups to divide their crew list into full-time, casual and vehicles by creating Crew Groups for each of these categories. Others reinforce their business locations with Crew Groups by assigning crew into groups that service different geographical areas.
Admin users might create different Crew Groups based on the requirements of different types of clients. Some clients may require presentable crew members whereas, for others, this might not be such an important consideration. CrewCard / PM allows you to create different Crew Groups, for example, Presentable and General, and assign Crew Members and Clients accordingly.
Most commonly, Admin Users utilise Crew Groups to allocate preferred staff for individual Clients. By doing this, bookings for these clients will display the preferred Crew Members in blue to offer them work. It is also possible to create more than one crew group per client. For example, ABC Company requires 2 different sets of Crew Members. First Set is for the Day workers and the second set is for night workers. On the Crew groups page you may be able to create two different groups, Day Shift and Night Shift and assign the corresponding crew members to a client to these groups.
To Create a Crew Group, click Contacts in the Central Navigation Bar and Select Crew Groups. Scroll down to the bottom part of the Crew Groups Page and click Add New Group. This will allow you to create a new group and assign staff and Clients to cater to Client’s requirements. Once the page is refreshed, the new Crew Group will appear.
Enter the Crew Group Name in the given field. You may also enter the Sort No. in the field.
Select the Crew Members and the Client/s which are also associated with this Group. Use the arrow keys to group the crew and the client together. Once you have added the Crew Members and Clients in the Group, scroll down and click the Save button.
On the Shift Edit page or Job Sheet page, shifts for a Client that is part of a Crew Group will display associated Crew Members names in blue, meaning they are preferred Crew Member/s. Crew names that are not associated with this client will appear in black as this is the default colour.
Admin | CrewCard / PM