Time Off In Lieu can be managed within the CrewCard Platform.
Contact CrewCard support to let us know the pay period options (weekly, fortnightly, 3 weekly and monthly) and which day of the week the pay period should commence.
In the Crew Profile, select Time Off In Lieu from the side menu to navigate to the Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) section.
Here you can set the Hours Per Week and TOIL hours balance.
Hours Per Week refers to the amount of hours that staff are able to work before the time off in lieu is recorded. For example, a staff member might have an agreed weekly working hours of 38 hours per week. Any work performed over and above 38 hours (minus breaks) will be added into the TOIL calculation. If the staff member had a balance of 0 hours and worked 45 hours in week 1 and then 48 hours in week 2, they will have an updated TOIL balance of 17 hours at the end of week 2. This means they can take 17 hours off work and still receive pay for these hours.
Please note that the CrewCard TOIL calculations work both ways. If we use the example above and the staff member in week 3 only worked 10 hours, 28 hours would be deducted from the balance of 17 hours and the TOIL balance would be reduced back to 0.
Click on TOIL history to see a breakdown of the TOIL balance for the staff member and the events that changed the balance, such as manual updates of the TOIL balance and system generated updates calculated each pay period according to the programmed logic.
There is a Time Off In Lieu page in the Admin menu that enables you to see the TOIL history for multiple staff and to search the TOIL history of staff. From this page, you can click the Forecast button to view the predictions of the TOIL balance in upcoming TOIL periods.
Admin | CrewCard / PM