
Rostering Tools

CrewCard is a staff scheduling and management software that works as a rostering tool. It meets all of your rostering requirements, and uses rostering tools to meet these needs. A rostering tool is communication, whereby CrewCard ensures seamless communication as a rostering tool to allow for an easy process between your clients, staff and admin. Communication includes the offering of shifts with our inbuilt sms system. This works as a rostering tool as crew members are able to communicate with their employers whether or not they would like to accept a shift that has been offered to them. If a crew member accepts the offer, a timesheet is automatically generated so that a roster is built. This highlights how communication is a vital rostering tool in the CrewCard software.

Furthermore, CrewCard’s software enables users of the admin and employer user type, to view pages that are intuitive, such as calendars, jobs, shifts, and events. All of these pages display the status of bookings and rostered staff in real time, using alternative and informative views. This highlights the rostering tool of having multiple views. Another rostering tool is the filter option. The rostering tool of star ratings is implemented to provide employers with the ability to create the optimal team for a job. This rostering tool allows you to rate your employees based on their performance, reliability, qualifications, experience and more.

The abilities and activities of staff are also assigned to crew to serve a similar purpose as the rating of staff rostering tool. When offering shifts and confirming shifts, it is extremely simple to do, thanks to these rostering tools. The system automatically only allows you to offer a shift to those who have the correct credentials for them. For example, if there was a shift that needed to be filled for the job of driving a forklift at a site, when you proceed to offer the shift to your crew members, the only ones who are presented as an option, are those who have their forklift licence. When offering shifts, the rating of the crew is also put next to their name, so that as well as a specific activity and qualification, you are able to select crew members while knowing their rating. These rostering tools are imperative to a software, and CrewCard places value and importance on these rostering tools.

The rostering tools just mentioned provide the service of automatic filtration and contribute to the ease of an automatic timesheet, which takes the stress, planning and manual labour away from having to sift through many crew members and individual select those with no indication or history of their abilities, activities and rating as a staff member. Another rostering tool that contributes to the ease of processes for our clients, is not just the auto scheduling and automatic roster building, but the time and attendance record of your staff. In the CrewCard application, we have the feature of a GPS tracking system matched with a check in and check out function.This supports all rostering tools as there is proof and tracking on where your staff are and at what time. This rostering tool is utilised by all, so that the automatic scheduling and management of staff is as easy as looking at a screen, rather than making calls and chasing staff up to confirm their attendance or confirm whether they have seen the roster, as they are the ones who must accept and confirm the shifts themselves.

The intelligent scheduling is a rostering tool in itself, whereby all that has just been discussed can be used for either single staff members, or large numbers of staff. The rostering tool can even be used across multiple jobs and multiple dates, times, skills and locations – all within a matter of seconds. 

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