
PM Crew App Update

Dear PM Crew App User,

Please be advised over the weekend 26th & 27th of June that the PM CREW APP will be renamed and updated as the CREWCARD App.

For those who already have the PM CREW APP installed, we recommend you delete it and reinstall the CREWCARD App, once it becomes available on the iOS and / or Google Play stores.

Some users may also find that the PM CREW APP automatically changes to the CREWCARD App, depending on their phone settings. 

Please find below an image of how the updated CREWCARD App will appear on your handset:

The updated CREWCARD App will replace the PM Crew App in the same location on your mobile device. Simply log into the updated app with your existing Username and Password and continue to use it in the same way as previously.

Apart from the name change and new logo, the app performs in the exactly the same way as previously.

Please contact your employer’s System Administrator for any issues.