CrewCard understands the value of workplace communication. Workplace communication is vital for any business to run efficiently and cohesively. Workplace communication between both employees, crew members, supervisors, shareholders, clients, managers and back end teams together make up the functionality of a business. Organisations must place an emphasis on instilling great workplace communication if they wish to run a successful, seamless operation of business. CrewCard shows the value they place on workplace communication with many features and functions that make workplace communication a simple task. This can be seen in the inbuilt SMS system of the CrewCard website and application. Our Bulk SMSing Recruits, allows for Amin users and duty managers to sms multiple recruits at once, supporting a seamless way of workplace communication. This feature is useful to check if potential recruits may have the skills required, or the availability, to perform certain tasks that may be required. Recruiters may search a particular Skill in the search bar at the top of the Recruit cards page to narrow down the applicants they wish to contact. Go to the Header > Contacts > Recruit Cards, select the Skill, check the boxes in the top left corner of the recruit Cards you wish to contact and then press the Bulk SMS button in the bottom right of the page.
Workplace communication is further supported by the Chat Group function on our website and application. This allows workplace communication between staff and managers where you are abel to message staff individually or in goup chats. CrewCard enables workplace communication with the use of their group chats, which are very similar to common social media platforms, where the enegagemrnt of specific groups of crew members, such as those who may be working on specific jobs or in specific roles, can be effectively communicated to, as a function of workplace communication. On the CrewCard website, click the cChat button that is located in the header of the admin portal. This will open a chat box at the bottom right hand side of the screen for you to begin, or look through older logs, of workplace communication. Here, you may click on the Add Crew Icon to create a Chat Group. Enter a name for the new Chat goup and assign members to the group, beginning your efficient and easy means of workplace communication. This means of workplace communication does not stop there. Our CrewCard application further supports workplace communication as you are also able to message crew within the app, and they will receive notifications every time a message has been sent to them. Not only does this bring ease and increase productivity for the sender, but workplace communication is also encouraged by this feature to the receiver through the notification function. Receiving notifications encourages workplace communication as it ensures that your crew member, crew member groups, managers and or admin users are actively aware of the workplace communication being sent out and at the time that it is intended to be received by.
Workplace communication is made even easier with the use of message templates on the CrewCard website. Message templates enable workplace communication by allowing the admin user or duty manager to save commonly used SMS messages in the system. This message templates contribute to workplace communication as they are then sent to Crew Members, avoiding taking the time to sit down and repeat typing the same message over and over again. Workplace communication is therefore enhanced, as users of all types, more specifically managers such as admin managers or duty managers, are more inclined to send messages to their staff due to the efficient and time saving nature of the templates. On the website, to save a message template that you can later send out to Crew members while exercising workplace communication, is by using the send message feature. Go to Header, then to records, Utiilities and msg templates to utilise this means of workplace communication. Inside the message templates page, simply press the addition sign to add a massage template, then enter a template name, and the message content. Once you have completed this template of workplace communication, press save. Once the template has been completed, template SMS messaging can be done easily, efficiently and seamlessly as it is sent to Crew Members. Execute this by going to the Shifts Page, the header of Jobs, then shifts. Once you have entered the desired search criteria for those in which you would like to demonstrate workplace communication with, select the shifts on the left of the screen with the Crew Members you wish to send the SMS to. Then, in the select an action drop menu located in the footer at the bottom of the page, Select send message, located under the message column. This will open the send message page from where you can either add custom text or select a message template and edit the crew members to receive the sms and press send sms, completing the tasks of effective workplace communication.