
2.0 Changing Payroll ID with the same Income Type

We can update the crew member tax type by selecting the Old Income type or the Changing of Income Type.
Old Income Type: To access the Crew profile, Hover your mouse to Contacts and select Crew List under Crew column. Select the crew and click the edit icon. In the Crew Profile, go to the Personal Details section. Follow the guidelines of the fields: First Name: Does not accept characters with tremor Last Name: Accepts up to 40 characters only Mobile Number: Accepts up to 16 characters only Enter the payroll ID and Tick the Payroll Update checkbox. Select the Income Type and click the Save Details button. Click Administration drop down and select Payroll Settings. Click the Payroll drop down and select YTD Amendment. In the YTD page, click the Create Update button. Select the Financial Year and click the Create button. Click the Edit icon to change the Old Income type. Tick the checkbox under the Final column of the selected Old Income Type of the Crew Member. Click the Send Update button. If you want to submit to ATO, Click Submit to ATO. Changing of Income Type: Go to the Employees page, and enter a new Payroll ID for the Crew. Select the new Income Type from the dropdown menu, then click SAVE. Now the next time you create a Pay Run for that crew, a new row in the Year To Date Amendment page will be added. As such, you need to close and finalise the old Income Type of that crew. Click Create Update. Select applicable financial year. Then click Create. Click the pencil icon of the old Income Type of the crew. The box will automatically have a check on it. Tick the box of the Final and Click the Send Update. If you want to send the update even to ATO, click Submit ATO. Otherwise, click YTD Transaction where you can send the update event on a later date. Changing Payroll ID with the same Income Type