To Update the Account Details in the Crew Profile, Login to the Crew Portal.
Enter your User name and Password. Once credentials has been entered, Click Login button.
Click the Crew Drop down in the Crew Portal and select Accounts.
Crew must update their account details in this section:
Banking Details
Bank Name: Bank Name of the Crew
Name of Account: Account Name of the Crew
BSB: 6 Digits number used to identify the individual branch of an Australian Bank
Account Number: Bank Account Number of the Crew
Super Fund Details
Super Company Name: Name of the Super Company financial institution EG Australian Super
SPIN/USI: Super Fund USI
Super ABN: Super Fund ABN
Super Product Name: Is the name of the Product under the specific super fund. It is identified by the USI
Super Account Name: Crew Super Account Name
Your Super Membership Number: Crew Super Membership Number
CrewCard Super default fund
Membership Number: Crew Membership Number
Tax File Declaration
File Number (TFN): Crew Tax File Number (9 Digits number)
Fill out the rest of the fields under Tax File Declaration section.
Once the account details has been updated, click Save button.
To Update the Account Details in the Crew Profile in Crewcard App, Login to the CrewCard App.
Enter your User name and Password in the CrewCard App. Once credentials has been entered, Click Login button.
Tap Portal in the Side Menu.
Crew will be directed in the Crew Portal, tap the profile icon.
Tap or select Accounts.
Crew must update their account details in this section. Once the account details has been updated, click Save button.