Timesheets for your shifts are completed by Checking In and Checking Out in the CrewCard App.
You can download CrewCard from the App Store and Google Play store.
Click the correct Job on the Home Page to open the Job Details Page or click the Check In or the Check Out reminders to be automatically directed to the Start and End buttons.
When you are due to commence work a reminder will prompt you to check in or you can navigate to the timesheet buttons by pressing the red Check In footer on the Shifts page or by opening the current Shift to access the Job Details page.
Simply press the START button and then select the start time.
Press the BREAKS button to enter your break start time and again to enter your break end time, up to a maximum of three breaks per shift.
Do not forget to Check Out when you finish your shift by pressing the END button.
Checking out of each shift within 15 minutes of the finish time is an extremely important requirement, as failure to correctly report times may result in delays to your payment.
In fact, the CrewCard General Policy (located in the Resources page of your Crew Portal and which you should familiarise yourself with in its entirety) contains the following information:
“You must use the CrewCard App to Check In and Check Out of your shift, including breaks, within 15 minutes of the end of your shift. If you are unable to use the app, either SMS or email are acceptable ways to report your times.”
If for some reason you are unable to report your times using the app, then SMS or email the times to your respective admin.
Important matters to remember are: