For discerning CrewCard users with a healthy paranoia of potential data outage caused by a variety of factors such as a cyberattack, we now have a Shift Export Backup that emails the Shifts records of your system from 01 Jan and includes all future shifts.
Export of Shifts from 01 January in the current year including all future shifts for security against power outages, server interruptions, internet connectivity issues or cyber attacks. Daily Export $50.00 per month. Hourly Export $100.00 per month.
CrewCard is an online platform, with all of the benefits that entail.
For peace of mind, we have developed the automated Shift Export Backup to be emailed as an attachment at predefined intervals.
Daily or hourly, you can have a complete record of your company’s Shifts emailed to you as an excel attachment in the unlikely event you may suffer internet connectivity issues or if anything should ever happen to our server (heavens forbid) that rendered it temporarily offline. There is a lot of chatter these days around cyber-attacks which was the motivation behind the backup feature. The Shift Export Backup would be a lifesaver even in the event of a local power outage or blackout.
The attached excel file contains all of the shifts from 01 January of the current year and includes all future shifts in your CrewCard / PM system.
With the Shift Export Backup files, you would still be able to operate using the excel file until the internet, server or power resumed normal service.
The export is something a CrewCard / PM user could manually do themselves by going to the Shifts Page > Search from 01 January Current Year > Select An Action (bottom of the screen) > Export Excel and then emailing themselves a copy of the downloaded report.
The cost of the daily export is an extra $50.00 per month over and above your current subscription. The hourly export costs $100.00 per month.
During the month of September 2021, we are pleased to offer our clients a 25% discount on this price for 24 months. Just use the code SEPEXPORT when requesting this service.
Please contact if you would like to take advantage of this special offer or to reach out with any other inquiries.
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