
Performance Analytics

Performance analytics track performance over time. Performance analytics aggregate performance indicators over time. Performance analytics help businesses to make essential decisions in an efficient time frame regarding performance. An example of performance analytics would be a measure of an item being sold per week to a particular group. Elements of business performance analytics are aimed at improving a business’ objectives. Performance analytics are highlighted within the CrewCard software with an analysis of past performance. CrewCard is a synchronised way of tracking performance analytics. On CrewCard you are given access  to your own branded version of CrewCard. Personalised for each client, the Client CRM allows you to record all notes and records for that client whilst also setting unique charge rates so that invoices automatically reflect the correct negotiated prices, boosting the tracking of performance analytics within the CrewCard software. 

Performance analytics are further supported by CrewCard as both clients and managers can check staff details, view inductions and qualifications and check all prior and upcoming jobs. Our simple to use app allows you to switch between different business partners on the same platform with ease which enables the comparison of performance analytics between businesses. Quick views further boost the management of performance analytics with a quick view option for all costs for each job, complete with crew work hours. With the options to view a lot of information in the one place where patterns and records are distinguished, performance analytics are in-built in the CrewCard software. This is also shown where you are able to view invoices and quotes via the job page. You are able to easily analyse the approved, unapproved and paid or unpaid invoices. 

Business performance analytics tools help to gain insights that resolve issues, promote and analyse growth, provide a view of the performance analytical scope and anticipate the outcomes of the future using the performance analytics results and performance analytic reviews. Statistics are a vital source of performance analytics when reviewing performance analytic informative tools. CrewCard recognises this with their rating system. Patterns of data are used as tools for performance analytics by CrewCard when tracking the performance of crew members. Staff are rated on performance which accounts for the acceptance rate of the shifts they have been offered. This shows the performance analytics of acceptance rate within a 30 day, 90 day and 14 day period. Performance analytics go further in including crew members experience. This rating contributes to performance analytics via highlighting the range and patterns of crew performance against the data received and submitted via the crew members themselves based on the performance analytics of their previous work experiences. A performance rating is also used to contribute to the data of performance analytics through a reliability rating ranging from 1-5 which goes to represent and analyse the amount of blow outs by a crew member or times the crew member has been late. Performance analytics are summed up with a score rated on experience level performance analytics, recent activity level performance analytics and star rating performance analytics. This mechanism of performance analytics is supported and carried out by crewcard in our one stop, all in one, software as a website and application. 

This contributes to a businesses management and analytical performance by driving the required outcomes desired for the objectives of their future performance analytics. 

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