Payroll is one of the most significant features in the CrewCard Software. This is a means of payment to employees, with a range of functions to make payment a seamless experience.
This module is accessible through a specific URL address, unique to each client and provided by CrewCard. Next, CrewCard will provide you with an initial username and password. Once logged in to the Payroll Portal, a two-step authentication code will be required. This code will be sent to your registered email address. Once entered and verified, a range of
Payroll users will be listed on the payroll portal. You may add, edit or delete these at any time.
Changing Payroll ID with the same Income Type
CrewCard is able to update the tax type and Payroll iD of a crew member by selecting the Old income type, or changing the income type.
The Old Income Type can be found in the Crew Profile of a crew member. To access this, hover your mouse over Contacts in the central navigation bar.
Once you have selected the crew member, press the edit icon. Next, go to the Personal Details section. Enter the required information, including the payroll ID, and once complete, Tick the Payroll Update checkbox. Lastly, select their income type, and click the Save details button to finish the process.
Once that process is completed, navigate to the settings, where you will see the drop down function of Administration. Click this, then select the Payroll Settings. A dropdown function for Payroll will present itself. Click this, and select YTD Amendment. In the YTD page, you will be able to create an update for the Financial Year. Once created, select the edit icon to change the Old Income Type of the crew member, then select the checkbox and press Send Update. If you wish to submit this update to the ATO, simply click Submit to ATO.
The second way in which an update can be done, is via the changing of Income Type. To do so, navigate to the employees page, and enter a new Payroll ID within the Personal Details of the Crew members profile. Select the New Income Type from the dropdown menu and select save.
The next time you create a Pay Run for that crew member, a new row in the YTD Amendment page will be added. Therefore, you will need to close and finalise the Old Income Type of the crew member. To do so, select Create Update, add the applicable financial year, and press create. Next, select the pencil icon of the old income type on the crew’s name. Tick the check box and click the Send Update button. If you wish to send the update to the ATO, click Submit ATO. Otherwise, click YTD Transaction where you can send the update event on a later date.
Processing of Payroll
Once the STP/ABA Warnings have been adjusted, you are ready to submit the STP to the ATO,
This consists of 4 steps known as Payment Wizard Steps of the STP Payroll.
Payment Wizard Step 1: Click Prepare
Payment Wizard Step 2: Download ABA and Report to STP. The ABA file will be used for your online banking to process payment to your crew. If you select Skip STP, the report will not be submitted to ATO, and will not generate any payruns. Selecting Report STP will initiate the submission of STP to the ATO. Only an Authorised Person will be allowed to submit an STP to ATO.
Upon the completion of submission, a dialogue box will appear with confirmation and a short message to notify the user the status of the STP is pending.
Payment Wizard Step 3: Display of all crew members included in the STP. Here, you are able to click Email Payslip to send the crew members their payslips.
Payment Wizard Step 4: Click Export Journal to download the Journal File that will be used for your accounting process.
Once Complete is clicked, you will be redirected to the Payruns page, where you can see the status of your STP submissions.
Tax Treatment Codes
Tax Treatment is a mandatory field for STP (Single Touch Payment) submission. It is generated automatically by the system when using the TFND and Income type. A tax treatment code is an abbreviated way of telling the ATO about factors that may influence the amount of payment being withheld from crew members/
Tax-Free Threshold
The Tax-free threshold should not be claimed by foreign residents or working holiday makers, except if you are a foreign resident that is receiving an Australian Government pension or allowance. The tax-free threshold
STSL is applicable to employees who have study or training support loans that must be repaired when the earnings of the employees income exceeds the minimum threshold.
Working Holiday Makers
When paying an employee with the Income Type of a Working Holiday Maker, it is important to ensure that the selected Country in the Country(ATO) field is not Australia or New Zealand.
STP Warnings
The Personnel Manager Payroll (PMP) will display STP/ABA Warnings when processing a payroll. Some of these warnings are mandatory to be fixed, while others are simply reminders. These warnings may include, and are not limited to; Child support deduction reminder, working holiday maker reminder, empty tax file number, empty BSB number, and so on.