Message Templates enable Admin users/Duty Managers to save commonly used SMS messages within the system and ready to send to Crew Members. To save a message template that you can later send out to crew members, navigate to Records, Utilities and Msg Templates. Here, you may add a message template, creating a name and message to save. A list of all your saved message templates is also stored in this section.
To send an SMS with the SMS message template, access the shifts page. Once your desired shift is selected, you are able to select the action of sending a message. Select the crew members you wish to send the message to, and select send message. A Send Message page will open, where clients can either add custom text, or select a previously made Message Template.
This feature is an efficient and effective way of running your business. You are able to easily check the upcoming availability of bulk staff, request the completion of timesheets, and much more.