The kiosk is a function located in the CrewCard app, where clients or supervisors are able to Check-In/Out, and Start/End break on behalf of the crew. This is particularly useful in the instance where crew members do not have access to their phones during a shift.
Kiosk Pins, which can be reset, are found in the details of your profile in the CrewCard App
You may enter this Kiosk Pin in the Kiosk page, accessible on the left side menu in the App
After the pin has been entered, there will be location options to select from. Select the correct location of your crew, and tap on the crew by selecting their picture and pressing Check In. This will then ask for the Kiosk Pin of the crew. Each crew member has their own unique pin, also found in the details of their profile in the CrewCard app. Once their unique pin has been entered into your kiosk and confirmed, they have been checked-in.
This process also applies when beginning/ending breaks. To exit the Kiosk, you must re enter your Kiosk Pin.
The crew members can log in to their supervisor or client account device on the CrewCard app and use their individual kiosk PIN, which can be found on their profile page in the Crew app.