Note: Reimbursements are not reportable to the ATO. However, they should still appear on the payslip and be included in the Net Pay calculation.
On the jobsheet page, click “Add Extra,” fill in the reimbursement details, and click “Save.”
The reimbursement added on the jobsheet page will be reflected on the payroll page.
You can also add reimbursement by using the “Add Payment” button on the Payroll List page.
It will open a window for adding a payment; fill out the form and click the “Add” button.
The reimbursement added via “Add Payment” will be reflected on the Payroll List page.
The third option is through “Add Payment” in the menu. Click Payment and select Add Payment.
Fill out the Add Payment, enter the reimbursement details and click save button.
Note that reimbursement can be also viewed in the Direct Payments page.