
How does PSQ function?

The Pre-Start Quiz (PSQ) is crucial in ensuring that all crew members are prepared and informed before commencing their shifts. This guide will instruct you on accessing and filling out the PSQ.

To enable the Pre-Start Quiz (PSQ), navigate to General Settings and check the box for Pre-Start Quiz to activate the feature. The disclaimer text can be customized as needed.

Click the “Add New Quiz” button to add a new quiz. Enter the title and text or select from the resources (these are available in Resources Settings). Input the questions and answers, and if a question has multiple answers, check the “Multiple Answers” checkbox. Finally, click the “Save Quiz” button.

Ensure you add a new quiz; otherwise, the PSQ will be considered disabled.

After adding the quiz, select it from the dropdown menu and click “Save.”

Accessing PSA in the CrewCard App

Proceed to the Main Menu and choose the ‘Shifts’ option.

Please select the desired shift, Find the Shift you wish to check in for and click on it.

You will be prompted to complete the Pre-Start Acceptance (PSA) process, which requires you to ‘Accept’ the terms and conditions if PSA is required ( Check General Settings>> Pre-Start Acceptance  Page is enabled).

If you have not yet completed the Pre-Start Quiz, it will be immediately accessible. Crew members can answer each Quiz once.

Note: If the PSA and PSQ are enabled, crew members must complete them; otherwise, they cannot check-in for their shift.

Click the ‘OK’ button on the Pre-Start Quiz prompt to initiate the Quiz.

First Quiz Page: You will be directed to the first quiz page, which includes the title, instructions, and available resources. Click ‘Start Quiz’ to begin the Quiz.

Read the instructions carefully and utilize any provided resources to answer the quiz questions.

Complete all the questions and submit your answers.

After you finish the Quiz, it will no longer appear on the Shifts page. Additionally, if the “Email Admin” and “Email Crew” options are selected in the PSQ settings, an email alert will be dispatched to both the administrator and the crew.