Crew Statistics are an informative way to review vital information of your crew. This includes; their rank, business, star rating, total hours worked, average hours worked per week, shifts they have been removed from, shifts they did not show up to but were rostered on for, requests from clients and crew to not work with them, short notice cancellations and complaints from clients. A reason text box is also provided for explanation behind the above scores. You may filter your search by business, staff name, date from and date to.
Statistics are derived from various functions within the system.
For example, the statistics found in columns of Remove, No Show, Client Request, Crew Request, Short Notice and Complaint Client, of each crew member, are sourced when they are removed from a shift via the job sheet. By clicking the ‘x’ next to their name below, there are functions to provide information behind the action.
If a client would like to activate the statics of Remove, No Show, Client Request, Crew Request, Short Notice and Complaint Client, please contact
By contacting support, you may also adjust the title of each column presented as statistics, therefore being able to adjust the list of reasons for being removed from a shift.
To easily view these statistics means admin users can identify patterns, behaviours, and averages, which will assist in making informed decisions used to benefit your company in terms of efficiency, quality of staff and client-crew communication.