CrewCard allows you to create Access Levels and assign them to your workers to be displayed within their CrewPass on their CrewCard App.
To create a new Access Level in the Admin Portal, go to Contacts > Others > Access Levels, then press + Add Access Level. Enter the Access Level Name, for example All Areas, a description (not required) and press Save.
To assign an Access Level to a Crew Member for a particular shift or Job, use the Access Level column within the Job Sheet or the Shift Edit Page.
To view the CrewPass in the Admin Portal, go to Jobs > Daily to open the Daily Jobs Page. Click on the card icon on the right of the screen to open the CrewPass and view the Access Level as well as any relevant qualifications or inductions that Crew Member will require for that Job. The CrewPass will automatically display all qualifications of the Crew Member that are associated with the Activity of that shift.
Once the Access Level has been assigned, a Crew Member will be able to display that Access Level within their CrewPass in their CrewCard App that they can use to flash to security or their supervisors.
Clients and Admins of the Crew Card App will also have access to the CrewPass of each Crew Member working on their job and will be able to view the Access level as well as any relevant qualifications or inductions within the pass.