

In the realm of payroll management, the advent of Single Touch Payroll (STP) has revolutionized the way businesses handle their employee payments and reporting obligations. With the mandatory transition to STP in Australia, businesses are seeking efficient and compliant solutions tailored to their unique employee structures.

Managing a busy work schedule alongside personal commitments can be a daunting task. Coordinating tasks such as errands, hobbies, and sleep schedules with work shifts can often feel like a complex juggling act. However, there is good news for crew members. A new innovative app, CrewCard, has introduced an Add Shift feature that offers users greater control over their schedules. This innovative feature enables users to manage their schedules directly from the CrewCard app without requiring lengthy email chains or supervisor approval. With CrewCard's Add Shift feature, managing schedules has never been easier.

CrewCard's CSV import feature is here to make your journey smoother than ever before. In this blog, we'll explore how this powerful tool can revolutionise your crew management process, saving you time, reducing errors and ensuring your crew stays shipshape.

Efficient crew management is essential for any organisation operating in industries where personnel allocation plays a pivotal role. Managing crew incompatibilities, where certain crew members cannot work with specific clients, is crucial to ensure smooth operations and client satisfaction. In this blog post, we’ll explore the process of importing crew for client incompatibilities and the benefits it offers to streamline crew management.

In the dynamic world of crew management, effective communication and efficient processes are paramount. Recognising this, we are thrilled to unveil the latest updates to CrewCard, designed to elevate your crew management experience to new heights.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, efficient issue resolution is paramount for maintaining productivity and ensuring client satisfaction. At CrewPayer, we understand the importance of providing timely assistance to our users. Support Ticket Feature in Crewpayer – a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of reporting and resolving issues within the CrewPayer platform.

In today's busy business world, managing clients effectively is key to success. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, keeping track of client info, messages and documents is crucial for maintaining strong relationships and providing great service. One tool that really helps with this is the Client Files section in client profiles.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital platforms, constant improvements are necessary to ensure optimal functionality and user experience. One such area that requires attention is the logging functionality within crew profiles. Currently, there's a notable absence of logs for critical elements such as skill tags, crew groups, business, clients, abilities and preferred clients. This absence not only limits the ability to track changes but also hampers effective management and analysis of crew profiles.

CrewCard offers a comprehensive Resource Setting feature that empowers admins and duty managers to effectively manage and distribute resources within their organisation. This innovative feature not only simplifies resource allocation but also enhances communication and coordination among crew members. Let's delve into how CrewCard's Resource Setting feature revolutionises crew management.

As businesses strive to optimise their operations, finding tools that simplify scheduling processes becomes increasingly crucial. That's where CrewCard steps in with its innovative Ongoing Job feature, designed to simplify the scheduling process.

For businesses relying on CrewCard for their staffing needs, navigating through the complexities of shifts, recruitment, and scheduling demands a streamlined approach. That's why we're excited to unveil the latest enhancement to our Admin Portal: the all-new Dashboard.

For businesses relying on CrewCard for their staffing needs, navigating through the complexities of shifts, recruitment, and scheduling demands a streamlined approach. That's why we're excited to unveil the latest enhancement to our Admin Portal: the all-new Dashboard.

Managing shifts and schedules can be an overwhelming task for businesses, particularly for those with large teams. Fortunately, with advanced scheduling software like CrewCard, scheduling just got a whole lot easier. With CrewCard’s Repeat Shift feature you can easily repeat a shift from the click of a button.

As users of the CrewCard platform, it's not uncommon to encounter issues or require assistance from time to time. Thankfully, CrewCard has implemented a Support Ticket system specifically crafted to simplify the process of seeking assistance and swiftly resolving any encountered issues.

Collaboration is key whether you're a small startup or a big corporation. But let's face it, managing projects and keeping crew on the same page can be a real headache, especially when crew are dispersed or working remotely. That's where CrewCard steps in with its innovative Projects feature. 

In today's ever-evolving business world, being flexible is absolutely crucial. With the surge of remote work and teams spread out all over, traditional methods of timesheet management are no longer sufficient. That's where CrewCard's latest app addition, the Timesheet Approval feature, steps in.

The Noticeboard is a new page within the Crewcard app that is accessible to staff members. Admin users of Crewcard gain the power to create noticeboard posts through their admin portal, which can include both text and images. These posts are then shared on the noticeboard, allowing all crew members to view them easily.

In today's business world, compliance and workplace safety are crucial. CrewCard introduces its innovative Pre-Start Acceptance feature to help companies meet compliance needs and boost workplace safety.