Upon logging into the Crew Portal, crew members are able to easily view their payslips over any time period they wish to select. This can be done by hovering a mouse over the central navigation bar over to ‘Pay’. From here, a drop down menu will appear. Selecting ‘Payslips’ will load a page that contains a list of previous payslips in chronological order.
Also on this page, is the option to filter through payslips with specification of a Payrun ID, date from and date to. The list of payslips on this page detail the Payrun ID, payment date, gross pay and net pay. Next to this information, shows the options of email payslip, view payslip and download payslip.
Email Payslip: pressing on the envelope icon of the payslip desired, this will send a pdf of the payslip to the email address registered to the profile of the crew member.
View Payslip: selecting the eye icon provides a quick view of the whole payslip as a pop up within the website.
Download Payslip: selecting the download icon will download the pdf of the selected payslip to your device.
Alternatively, you can select the check box beside multiple payslips, or the checkbox next to ‘Download Payslips’, which is located on the bottom left side of the screen. Once the checkbox/s have been selected, select Downoad Payslips to download multiple payslips at once.
The Payslip itself contains the following details:
Employment Details such as pay frequency and employment basis
Pay Period
Payment Date
Gross Pay
Net Pay
hours worked
Rate of pay
PAYG tax
YTD is also shown, with payment details of the crews bank account and name clearly stated.